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【EQ加油站】  身體就像一塊肥皂

文/ 金不換

  網路上有些看病的笑話,令人莞爾。例如有病人說:「醫生,我有一個問題,我記不住剛才才說過的話。」醫生問: 「你甚麼時候第一次注意到有這個問題?」病人問:「甚麼問題?」其實,台語說的「現講現昧記」,是失智症比較嚴重的現象之一。如果想到有一天我們自己也可能成了這類病患,恐怕笑不出來。健康不是一陣子的事,而是一輩子的事。願以下列名言共勉:  

- Your body is just like a bar of soap. It gradually wears down, from repeated use.~ Ritchie Allen, American baseball player 
- By the time most people discover that health is everything, they have lost it.

- Eat what you need, not what you like.


- If you want to live, you must walk. If you want to live longer, you must do the speed walking, jogging, and so on.

  聖經約翰參書一章二節說: 「親愛的朋友,我祝你事事順利,身體健康,正如你靈性健全一樣。\Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, just as you are progressing spiritually.(NIV)」可見全人的健康包括工作、生活、精神、情緒、心靈和靈魂;按照語法來解釋,最後一個最重要。這些層面與EQ的培養和長進休戚與共,願你我都「智足常樂」!
